Suspicions of abduction risks usually warrant further investigation. Even if you trust your coparent, please understand that people do strange and uncharacteristic things when they believe they are acting in the best interest of their children.
If you only have a vague feeling that your child might be at risk for abduction, there could be some things you could do to minimize that risk. At the very least, you could learn more about the situation and give yourself some peace of mind.
Obtaining court orders
The Department of State’s prevention tips start with getting a court order. Generally speaking, this would be a custom agreement between you and your coparent. It could outline certain conditions for travel. It could also potentially empower law enforcement agents to stop international travel that did not meet the requirements of the order.
Depending on your situation, you may also want to communicate the existence of the order. For example, you may want to disseminate copies or references among the appropriate law-enforcement agencies.
Staying vigilant
Certain activities and behaviors often indicate a major life change, such as an international move. If your coparent ends a major relationship, sells property or changes jobs, that could be a sign of other upcoming changes.
Working internationally
Many divorcing couples with at least one foreign national in the marriage include terms limiting international travel of children. Sometimes, you would also benefit from contacting representatives of the foreign government. The effectiveness of this strategy depends on several factors, including the other countries’ relationships with the USA.
Preventing international abduction may sound somewhat complicated, but it is often far simpler than attempting to enforce American custody agreements overseas. You may have options if you are unable to prevent your children from leaving the country, but they would probably depend heavily on the laws and customs of the foreign society.