A Common-Sense Approach To Same-Sex Divorce
We Seek Effective Resolutions In A Timely, Cost-Efficient Manner
Same-sex marriages are now legally recognized in all 50 states; therefore, same-sex couples are also have protected rights pertaining to marriage dissolution.
Our same-sex divorce attorneys in Boston can help you understand the legal requirements that must be met for you to obtain a divorce and help you navigate this area of evolving law.
A Careful Review Of Every Aspect
Same-sex couples may now be able to benefit from the tax advantages available through qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) that may be needed to divide retirement benefits, frequently of particular importance to older couples getting divorced.
There are also a number of tax implications involved in dividing property after a divorce. Previously, same-sex couples were subject to different estate tax rules because their marriages were not recognized federally.
You Deserve Exceptional Value
Our firm will handle your same-sex divorce case with efficiency. As a small practice, we do not have the large overhead of a large law firm, and we can offer you the personal attention that a complex matter like yours deserves. With laws involving same-sex couples ever-changing, we pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the latest court rulings and legislative changes.
We understand how complex same-sex divorces can become, especially when children are involved. Because of this, we recognize that it is important to plan an approach with both negotiation and litigation in mind. No matter how your case progresses, your best interests will always be at the core of our legal strategy. Contact us online or call a lawyer at our Boston office at 800-441-7573 to discuss your options. We also travel to meet clients in a convenient location in Middlesex County.