To go through a divorce is to split all your assets and debts. As you decide who will pay for what and who gets what, the subject of student loan debt may come up in conversation. If you both are responsible for other debts, are you also both responsible for your...
Month: May 2020
Be proactive with your credit in a divorce
When you get divorced in Massachusetts, your credit score may be at risk. Some people have reported a drop of up to 50 points in their credit score in the wake of a divorce. While ending a marriage is not the sole reason for the drop in credit, the choices that you...
How can I save money during a divorce?
Concern about the financial aftermath of divorce is natural. Many people spend a lot of time fretting about things like child custody, child support, and potential alimony payments. Divorce can be expensive in both time and money. However, not only is the aftermath of...
Should you fight to keep your full 401k?
You may feel prepared to tackle any topic that could come up during your divorce proceedings in Boston. Like many, however, you may end up feeling blindsided when confronted with the fact that you have to divide up your 401k with your ex-spouse. While your 401k does...
Family law issues and depression
When a marriage ends, many difficulties often arise for those who work through the divorce process. Moreover, hardships also arise for some people after the divorce process is completed, such as those who have to deal with family law matters such as child custody and...