The divorce process may be lengthy, especially if you and your spouse cannot agree on some volatile and divisive issues. A document the court requires if you have children is a parenting plan, something that may prove challenging to hash out.
A parenting plan is an agreement revolving around how parents will manage time and other co-parenting efforts. Discover more about what goes into the document and what does not.
What goes into a parenting plan?
Your parenting relationship with children after divorce takes commitment to put their needs first. As you and your spouse build the parenting plan, remember it acts as the blueprint for post-divorce parenting relationships.
Time-sharing schedule
At the heart of the parenting plan is a schedule setting where the children will spend their time. The age of your children dictates the detail of the time-sharing schedule. The younger the children, the more time they may need with one parent versus the other. Time-sharing evolves as children grow, so plan on modifying as necessary.
Custody exchange location
The plan should address how and where child custody exchanges take place. School is the most common location, but if a child is not old enough, you may need to choose another location. The parent’s home or a neutral location often works well.
What happens if the schedule needs to change?
Schedule changes and deviations come up, and the method by which the parents will rectify them goes into the plan. If your divorce proves more contentious, you may want a neutral third party, such as a lawyer, to act as a go-between. Never use the children to facilitate schedule deviation requests.
A thorough parenting plan is one way to ensure that both parties get the time and rights to help their children through the process.