Financial steps during a divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2023 | Property Division

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the divorce rate in Massachusetts in 2021 was 1 per 1,000. While this is a relatively low number of divorces, you may still find yourself going through the process.

As you navigate this step, you want to ensure you secure your financial future by making the right decisions.

Create a financial inventory

One of the first things you should do is compile a detailed inventory of your financial assets and liabilities. This includes bank accounts, investments, real estate, retirement accounts and outstanding debts. A comprehensive financial inventory will provide a clear picture of your financial situation, which is essential for the divorce process.

Do not hide assets

Honesty is key in divorce proceedings. Attempting to hide assets can lead to legal complications and damage your credibility. Full disclosure is a must for a fair and equitable division of assets.

Do not make emotional decisions

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster, and it is easy to make hasty decisions out of anger or frustration. Avoid impulsive financial choices. Take the time to think rationally about the implications of your decisions on your future.

Set realistic financial goals

As you work through the divorce process, set clear financial goals for your post-divorce life. Consider your immediate needs and long-term financial security. Having a plan in place will help you stay focused on achieving those goals.

Create a post-divorce budget that outlines your income and expenses. Monitor your spending closely to ensure you live within your means. A well-structured budget can help you regain financial stability. Avoid excessive spending during this period, as it can deplete your financial resources.

Do not overlook the details

Carefully review all financial documents and agreements before signing anything. Ensure you fully understand the terms and consequences.

Protect your credit

Maintain good credit during and after the divorce. Address joint debts in the divorce settlement to avoid any negative impact on your credit. Close joint accounts and establish your individual credit accounts as needed.

Do not neglect your insurance

Evaluate your insurance coverage during the divorce process. Ensure that you have adequate health, life and property insurance to protect yourself and your assets. Update beneficiaries as necessary.

Keeping an eye on the financial aspects of a divorce requires a level-headed approach. By preparing and being aware, you can work towards securing your financial future during this challenging period in your life.