Child support is a legal obligation that ensures children receive financial support from both parents, regardless of their relationship status. Failure to pay child support can lead to serious consequences, even for high-net-worth individuals. One such consequence is...
Family Law
Understanding the types of guardianships in Massachusetts
Guardianship is a legal process used to protect individuals who cannot take care of themselves or manage their own affairs. This includes both minors and adults who may be incapacitated due to various reasons. In Massachusetts, the law recognizes several types of...
Paying child support as a parent with a high net worth
Child support is a key aspect of ensuring the well-being of children whose parents are no longer together. This issue can become complicated following a high-asset divorce. As someone with a high net worth, navigating child support obligations may seem complex....
Determining if nesting is right for your family
Divorce often hits minor children the hardest. They find their lives completely overturned, sometimes without warning, through no fault of their own, and they have no control over any of it. Having to travel back and forth between two homes on top of everything can...
How to prevent international parental child abduction
International parental child abduction is a serious concern for parents who separate or divorce and share custody of their children. This occurs when one parent removes or retains a child in another country without the other parent's consent or in violation of a...
Good reasons to get a prenuptial agreement in Massachusetts
In Massachusetts, a prenuptial agreement can be wise on several counts. By clearly defining what belongs to each party before marriage, couples can prevent property disputes. They can also maintain financial stability and improve their communication. Preserve family...
What does child custody look like for interstate parents?
When married parents decide to part ways, child custody becomes a complex web to untangle. All the more so when those parents live in different states or are planning an interstate move. Understanding what child custody looks like for interstate couples is necessary...
The negative impact of parental alienation on children
Parental alienation occurs when one parent tries to undermine a child's relationship with the other parent. This manipulation can take many forms, including lying about and limiting contact between the child and the targeted parent. The consequences of parental...
What is divorce nisi?
NewsNation reported that 35 states require some type of waiting period to end the marriage. Massachusetts is one of those states. When a marriage in Massachusetts reaches its final stages, one significant legal step in the divorce process is divorce nisi....
Moving out of the country with your child after a divorce
Divorce is never an easy process, especially when it involves children. One of the most complex issues that may arise is when one parent wants to move out of the country with the child. This article will explore whether it is possible to do so after a Massachusetts...